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Meet some of the EdIlluminati’s key players

Cyrus Driver

Partnership for the Future of Learning at Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors

Cyrus has been the leader of the PFL since it formed in 2015. He is a self-proclaimed Saul Alinsky-style community organizer, coalition-builder, and strategist who aims to transform America’s public education system through any means necessary.

Linda Darling-Hammond

Learning Policy Institute, California State Board of Education, Global Science of Learning Education Network, and Stanford University

Linda has been deeply involved in shaping education research, policy, and practices for decades, most recently as President of California’s State Board of Education and her think-tank, Learning Policy Institute.

Warren Simmons

Nellie Mae Education Foundation & National Education Policy Center (NEPC) at University of Colorado

Warren’s career has centered around education reform and transformation. He has achieved this through his work with progressive philanthropic organizations, non-profits, and university-backed research institutes.

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